
what's the next programming paradigm?

    Long years ago, we have developed the procedure-oriented programming frame, which is still creativity nowadays. It brings the procedure thought which is considered to be the human's method for solving complex problems to the computer world. Taking advantages of the unimaginable quick tick speed and tremendous storage capacities of computer, we can solve the hardest problems in history in a quit short time with  few lines of c code. On this condition, complex pure computing problems, such as computing hundreds of digits of π, is no longer on the table list of mathematicians and engineers, regardless of professional or amateur.
    While some people are still immersed in the surprise and brilliant world created by the procedure-oriented programming frame,application developers and maintainers are dispirited by the swollen and rigid architecture---the applications usually share some similar properties, how shall we develop a language for the applications to express itself in a universal and simple way? As an inspirational result, we developed the object-oriented language, developers code the computer world by objects and methods. Development and maintain becomes easier.
    However programmers are still engaged much time in the language-level programming. Coding is the tool to solve the realistic problems, whereas the tool is powerless, just like a farmer wants to exploit the abundant oil source beneath 3860 feet with a shovel. In the past decades, some IT companies owning a great mount of  brilliant struggling programmers surprising have finally dig to the destination area, meanwhile in the real world thousands of mines have existed and  much of the mines are even mined in one hundred years ago with tough and poor machines.
    Then comes the question,when does the mining machine will turn out in the programming world? How can we build and control the programming machine instead of digging every tough soil with the blunt shovel? This question should solve by next programming paradigm, which I suppose is the  mechanism-objected programming.
    In my viewpoint, mechanism-oriented programming languages can reduce much language-level workload which is attached to the algorithm and data struct, codes and annotations which subject to a normal programming block are automatically generated by the develop environment.
    Mechanism-oriented programming is not leaded by the paradigm of procedure thought or object thought, it just regards the programming as a product produce process, what we need do is just sending the raw material to the pipeline. Programming is just preparing the "raw material" for the high-speed pipeline, it means that the software-produce comes to the great industry era instead of the handwork era, as a result, the quantity of the software will be much more steady, the price will be extraordinary cheaper. Programmers will focus on the new algorithms and other technologies, including the programming pipeline designing technologies, rather than implementing popular algorithms repeatedly.
   New paradigm may bring out the brightly future of the programming area,also it will rise many new problems, but the "industry process" can't be resisted by any  person ,any companies or any organization, for it just responses for the history we have go through or will go through!